Thursday, March 29, 2012

pop up windows and triggering an event after closed

Hello everyone -

I have a javascript onclick event that pops up a window,
allows the user to view information, and then close the window.

Now - I would like to be notified when this window is closed
in the page that pops it up.

Or - better yet - is there a way to popup the window in a modal mode
where the user must close the window prior to returning to the main web
application (and if at all possible - trigger an event when they are done)?

here is my current javascript for the poup window...

function upload_window()
var left = (screen.availWidth/2) - (600/2);
var top = (screen.availHeight/2) - (225/2);
var colorWin ='upload_maps.aspx', "test", 'scrollbars=0, toolbar=0, statusbar=0, width=600, height=225, left='+left+', top='+top);

thanks for your help!!

take care
tonyThere's no way to do it server-side, but you COULD add JavaScript to do something to the window's opener when the popup window closes, i.e. window.opener.....
2) To show a modal window, use: window.showModalDialog('somepage.aspx','winName','dialogHeight:200px;dialogWidth:200px; etc..');
Remember, this only works with IE.

1) To notify the aspx page when the new window is closed, you can write Javascript:
window.opener.document.FormNameFromASPXPage.someTextBox.Text = "new win is closed";


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