Thank you
Private Sub insertTables()
Dim lstColums As New ArrayList
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("Software", "Cl_Systems.Software"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("SystemType", "Cl_Systems.Software"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("SystemPurchaseDate", "Cl_Systems.SystemPurchaseDate"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("ServicePlan", "Cl_Systems.ServicePlan"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("ServicePlan_Purchase", "Cl_Systems.ServicePlan"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("ServicePlan_WarrentyEnd", "Cl_Systems.WarrentyEnd"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("ServicePlan_RenewalDate", "Cl_Systems.RenewalDate"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("BuiltID", "Cl_Systems.BuiltID"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("Software Version", "Cl_Systems.Version"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("Modules", "Cl_Systems.Modules"))
lstColums.Add(New ListItem("Packages", "Cl_Systems.Packages"))
lstColums.Insert(0, "--Select Field--")
ddFields.DataSource = lstColums
End Sub
You added this "lstColums.Insert(0, "--Select Field--")" at the first posion which is "0" and you didn't set your selectedvalue when the DDL loaded, so the default selectedvalue is the first one.
Event if I take that line away it give me the same result.
Are you really creating the list like this? If so, I suggest either (a) creating a ListItemCollection instead, or (b) skipping the intermediate object altogether and just adding the items to the dropdownlist's Items collection.
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